Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Praise Report!

I wanted to let you know that I went today for my baseline CT scan.  I wouldn't let my mind dwell on the "what ifs", but they occasionally crept into my mind.  At the same appointment I had my blood drawn.  Two weeks ago my white count had "plummeted" and my platelets were low.  The Dr. said it would probably take months for my blood to get back to normal, but he didn't seem concerned, so I wasn't.

Long story short....the CT scan was normal!!!  And....my white count and platelets are normal!!!  I'm still a bit anemic, but the Dr. said that should go away with time!  I could tell he was surprised.  He said, "For all the trouble we've had with your blood, it's come back up nicely."  I don't have to see him again for 2 months!!  If all is well at that appointment I will be on a 3 month schedule with him!  A year ago I would have "croaked" at the thought of seeing the Dr. every 3 months.  Today, I was so excited that I had to apologize to the Dr. and tell him it wasn't that I hadn't enjoyed seeing him every week! :-)  It's my understanding that the 3 month schedule will last for 2 years.  He said that after 2 years, if "the disease" has not returned, he will take my port out.  That will be another happy day, summer of 2013!!

My energy level is basically back to normal.  I "unfroze" my membership at the health club last week and worked out for about an hour on two days - including 40-45 minutes of slow cardio exercise.  I was so excited!  I could barely keep the tears back.  I told some people I was afraid someone would report that "there's a lady in there crying and she doesn't have any hair."  So I held it together for the sake of the other clients! :-)  But, my heart was praising the Lord the whole time I was there! 

I can't adequatly express my thanks to God and to you.  Someone thanked me the other day for doing the blog.  I told them it was selfish on my part because I wanted people to know how to pray!  And you have prayed and I thank the Lord for you.  Hopefully I won't have any news that will merit writing a post for a long time!  Thank you, thank you - again!  I know God will bless you for your care and concern for me during these last few difficult months! 

The song I woke up with this morning is how I will close this blog for now.  It's the sentiment of my heart tonight:   

"How great is our God!  
Sing with me - how great is our God! 
And all will see - how great, how great is our God.  
He's the name above all names. 
He is worthy of our praise.  
My heart will sing - how great is our God!"


  1. So thankful to hear the good praise report! Trusting for only good from His hand. Your blog has been a blessing to me.

  2. All we can say is "PRAISE THE LORD" and isn't that enough? So good to hear your report.
