Wednesday, July 6, 2011

The Week-After Last Chemo

The week after chemo usually follows a pattern.  I feel good while the steroids are in my system, then Thursday and Friday are more "down" days, with Friday being better than Thursday!  Somehow, subconsciously, I had the feeling that after my last treatment I would be "well"! doesn't work that way!  Thursday was among my worst down days!  Not a bad day - just not a good one!  I finally "succumbed" and spent the afternoon mostly in the recliner.  Friday was better and by Saturday I was feeling pretty good again.  But, that whole scenario helped me to realize that it's going to take a while for my body to rebuild itself!  I was getting impatient.

I have been told that my hair will start growing back in 3 months.  I can't expect other things in my body to be back to normal any sooner than that.  So, I'm "chilling out" a little - realizing that if my blood count doesn't bounce back, I really shouldn't panic or be discouraged!

It's a good thing I was feeling better on Saturday because the NO MO CHEMO Re-Birthday party my brother and family had planned was about to begin!  Family started arriving on Friday and by Sunday morning, there were 20 of us!!  Half stayed here at our house and half stayed at my dad's house!  We all went to church together on Sunday morning.  I could barely contain myself.  I couldn't have been prouder or more grateful!  We sang a song on Sunday morning that I may have quoted to you before, but at the risk of being redundant I will repeat the words.  They were so appropriate for the first Sunday after I finished chemotherapy - with my family all sitting together in church.

Through the love of God, our Savior, All will be well.
Free and changeless is His favor, All is well.
Precious is the blood that healed us,
Perfect is the grace that sealed us,
Strong the hand stretched forth to shield us, All must be well.

Though we pass through tribulation, All will be well.
'Cause it's such a full salvation, All is well.
Happy still in God confiding,
Fruitful if in Christ abiding,
Steadfast through the Spirit's guiding,
All must be well.

We expect a bright tomorrow, All will be well.
We can sing through days of sorrow, All is well.
On our Father's love relying,
Jesus every need supplying,
Yes, in living or in dying, All must be well.

The title of the song is "All Must Be Well" and can be downloaded from iTunes.  It's probably my all-time favorite song - and the words are so true! I've found out in my own life - that even in "tribulation", all is well.

After church on Sunday, party preparations took place in earnest and at 1:00 the guests began to arrive.  It was a wonderful time!!  We had between 55 and 60 people here during the afternoon.  I enjoyed every minute!  It was amazing to be able to celebrate with so many friends.  And each one seemed to be as happy for the occasion as I was!  Thank you, all of my friends, for celebrating this milestone in my life with me!  Many of you who couldn't be here in person have communicated that you were here in spirit!  The weather was warm, but not oppressive.  But...the clouds rolled in and the rain "rolled us inside".  However, the party wasn't dampened and we had a wonderful day!  By the time the last family left, this body could tell it still had some recovering to do!  I was glad to tumble into bed and thanked God for a wonderful day, a comfortable bed, and a bright tomorrow!! Click here for pictures of the NO MO CHEMO party.

Today is Wednesday.  Yesterday I had my blood drawn.  The Dr. said last week he would call if anything was wrong.  He hasn't called.  I'm assuming he won't!!  Praise the Lord!  My blood must be okay so far!  To celebrate my first Tuesday without a Dr. appointment and chemo, Steve and I ran to St. Louis.  We didn't do anything too tiring, but did eat at one of our favorite lunch places and of course, hit Ted Drewes for frozen custard before we came back home.  I was happily surprised at my level of tiredness, which was not excessive!  I think my body enjoyed a Tuesday without being "zapped"!

And to further celebrate not being full of chemicals, I spent this morning at MU, helping score Master's comps presentations!  I was so excited!  (Who would have thought?)  I couldn't believe I was really "back in the saddle" after so many months.  My heart was, and is full of praise to the Lord, for His blessings and His mercy to me!

Thanks again for your interest, your support and your prayers during this journey.  Although the journey isn't complete, I'm hoping the most 'uphill" part is over.  I will keep you posted!

1 comment:

  1. Praying for complete comeback for you! Enjoyed looking at the pictures of the party, especially the genetic/chemo heads. So glad your sense of humor and of God's presence survived all the chemicals!
