Tuesday, June 28, 2011

It Is Finished!!!

Receiving my Purple Heart certificate!
My last chemo treatment is finished!  What a wonderful day!  About 30 minutes before I was finished, Steve and I were sitting in the chemo lab reading, when in walked my dad, and nephews, Grant and Graham!    We were visiting with them, when a few minutes later my brother, Gary and sister-in-law, Sheila walked in. About 5 minutes before my treatment was finished, G.B. and Shara walked in!!  We had quite a crowd in the lab for "the last drop"!  When the nurse came to unhook me, she brought me a certificate, signed by the nurses and Dr.!  I finished with a cheering section!  And I am finished!  I can't say it any better than with the Psalmist, who said, "I will bless the Lord at all times, His praise shall continually be in my mouth." (Psalm 34:1)

Shara and me doing the NO MO CHEMO dance!
My counts were improved.  The Dr. said it is "worrisome" that my bones haven't produced blood cells like he had hoped they would, which could indicate that it might take me longer to recover from the chemo.  So, I still need prayer for my bones.  He will check my blood weekly at first to monitor my counts.

Steve asked the Dr. the risk of the cancer coming back.  He said there is a 10% chance it would reoccur within the next 5 years.  I'm counting on the 90%.  But, they will do surveillance for five years to watch for any reoccurrence.

I plan to post an update next week, but after that will only keep you posted if there are any development of interest.  I will definitely update if I need people to pray.  As I've said before, your prayers have been the key to my surviving this ordeal.

You, my friends, have been an immeasurable source of support during the past months.  I cannot begin to enumerate the ways that support has been demonstrated, but I will give you a sample of what I have received – from you! 

Beginning with prayers.  Not only have you prayed individually, but many of you have shared with me that you have put my name on your church prayer chain, given my name to an intercessory prayer group, had my name said in special healing masses, etc.  I spoke Sunday to a former parent in one of the schools where I was principal in STL.  She said she is up at 3:00 or 4:00 in the morning, interceding for people who have needs and that my name is on her list.  Your prayers have made the difference for me.  Thank you, thank you!!  And thank you, Lord, for hearing our prayers!

Cards.  Very few days have gone by that I have not received at least one card and many days there were several in the mail.  What an encouragement your words and thoughtfulness have been!  I have the cards all saved in a box!  I’m not sure when I will be able to part with them.  They really mean a lot to me!  Thank you!

Gifts and food!  My goodness!  It was so much fun to get gifts in the mail, have them delivered at the door, or brought in person!  I will never remember to mention each one, but I’ll give you an overview of what I’ve enjoyed.  A hand-crafted cross that is sculpted to fit my hand – to hold when I’m frightened (occasionally I’ve put it down! J), homemade chicken noodle soup (when I could barely eat anything else), homemade cookies, homemade muffins, homemade cinnamon rolls, homemade banana cake with cream cheese icing (some of these were specified as being  for the purpose of helping me gain weight!), edible fruit bouquet, a cookie bouquet, homemade matzo ball soup and gefilta fish (Kosher at Passover time from my best Jewish friend, and my stomach loved it!), hats, caps, chemo head wraps, pajamas, socks, ice cream treats, Ted Drewes….I think I’ve thanked each one of you individually, but thank you again to all of you who brought or sent “things” to cheer me up.  Since my stomach has stayed “mad” most of the time during the past months, each new thing to try was a treat.

Visits, calls, emails, text messages, Facebook messages!  There’s no way to express how much it meant to know you were thinking of me.  Thanks for taking the time to let me know.  My aunt and uncle traveled here from Springfield, MO three different times during the past six months – just to be here, to help, or to cheer me up!  And your communication with me has meant just as much.  Thank you, thank you!

I am overwhelmed, humbled, and eternally grateful to you for reading this blog, for staying in touch and providing support in whatever way you have been able.  My journey is not over, as you know.  There will be lots of check-ups.  And I will let you know how I'm doing.

Today's song that was in my mind when I awakened was an old one by Bill and Gloria Gaither.  The words are as follows:

We are so blessed, By the gifts from your hand.
I just can't understand why you loved us so much
We are so blessed, We just can't find a way, or the words that can say,
Thank you, Lord, for your touch.

Yesterday, Psalm 103: 1-3 was brought to my mind.  I've memorized it as a little girl, read it many times, but yesterday when I read it, it expressed my feelings so perfectly:
Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me, bless his holy name!
Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits,
who forgives all your iniquity, who heals all your diseases.....

If you are in town this coming Sunday, July 3, come on over.  If I've forgotten to invite someone, invite them and come on over to our house for the NO MO CHEMO Re-birthday party!  Food will be ready at 1:00 and we will be on the patio and/or in the downstairs if it's too hot.  Here's a picture of part of the group who will be there!
Outside the medical building
If you are interested, there are a couple more pictures at https://picasaweb.google.com/cjc2751

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Transfusion - Finished!

I thought I would add a short update following my transfusion. All went well. Many of you know I'm not a good pill taker. So the worst part of the day was having to take 2 pills as precaution against an allergic reaction to the blood. :-)  I knew the pills were part of the orders so I took my own "props" - orange juice and a banana. I got the pills down and the rest of the day was easy after that! :).

The blood was red. I had hoped for blue. But I guess it wasn't a match. That was humbling. :-)  The most exciting part of the day was when the nurse was unhooking me, she forgot to clamp off the tube to my port so I was baptized in blood.  I don't know if it was my blood or the "other person's", but it was all red!  So my first task when I got home was to do laundry!  But all is well! 

Thanks for your prayers and concern.  I do have pink skin now and color in my cheeks!  Amazing!  The life is definitely in the blood!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Transfusion Time!

Well, just about the time I think I have the "final lap" planned, it gets changed!  But it's not all bad news!  I was able to get my chemo treatment today so I am on schedule!!!!  I am so thankful for that!  But because my hemoglobin had dropped and was getting close to the "magic number",  they thought I should schedule myself for a transfusion.  Also, my blood pressure continues to be marginal even though I drink water like a camel!

So, we went straight from chemo to the outpatient oncology lab at the hospital for them to "type and cross" my blood.  The chemo lab left my port "accessed" so the hospital could use my port to draw blood.  Then when I go in to the hospital tomorrow for the units of blood, all they have to do is hook me up and get going.  I won't have to wait for them to access my port.  (I know, I sound like I know what I'm talking about but it's all new to me.  I just nod my head and give approval as they make logistical suggestions!)

So, when I thought all my new adventures were over, here's a new one.  I've never had a transfusion before.  Apparently it's a slow process - 2 1/2 - 3 hours for each unit and I'm getting two units.  So I will be "in the chair" for 5-6 hours tomorrow.  I'm thinking I may sleep some of it away.  On the other hand, I may start feeling so energetic that they will have to tie me in the chair! :-)  The nurse at the hospital said they get to see the color return to peoples' cheeks and skin - often while they are in the chair.  So, I'm hoping I come out of there looking ten years younger and with the energy of a 20 year old!  Steve is thinking maybe he wants one too so he will be able to keep up with me. :-)

As far as the chemo treatments go - last week's was a hard one.  I didn't bounce back very fast and "dragged my tail" around most of the week.  But like I've said before, my bad days are better than some peoples' best days, so I'm not complaining.  I lost weight because I couldn't seem to get much food down.  However, one of my Truman State University Board colleagues brought me Ted Drewes to our meeting in Kirksville on Saturday.  That stopped the weight loss slide real fast!!  Praise the Lord for emergency measures! :-)

Today's treatment went well.  I still have steroids and anti-nausea medicine in my system so I'm feeling pretty good.  I'm hoping that as they wear off, I won't feel as puny as I did last week.  I'm sure the new blood will help too!

I am so grateful to still be on schedule with my treatments!  The Dr. said today that he will see me next week for my "graduation treatment"!!!  YAY!!!!  I told him that sounded good to me!!  Praise the Lord for His peace, courage, strength, and mercy to me during these last 6 months.  I know I will need more in the future, but I also know that "His grace is sufficient" (II Corinthians 12:9) and I'm counting on that.  I've had first-hand experience with His grace through these difficult days.

As I sat there today and looked around the lab, I noticed again, the many spouses who were there, supporting their loved one.  So, let me say again, that I thank the Lord for giving me Steve, who has proved his commitment to be with me in sickness and in health.  He has slept by my bed in the hospital, walked with me in the hospital hallways, walked with me in the neighborhood, dropped me off at the door when I couldn't walk very far, brought me ice cream every night :-), been at every chemo treatment and Dr. appointment, told me how good I look when I know I don't, calls my"ugly" scars"tattoos" and is impressed with how much we paid for them!, ad infinitum......  Friday will be our 22nd wedding anniversary and we hope to be able to actually celebrate!  He is definitely a gift from God!

I want to also mention the support I've received from my family. My dad has "always been there" asking what he could do to help. He came over during chemo a couple of times, but mostly just knowing he was there, providing moral support and praying were the best things he could and did do. My brother and sister-in-law and family have made numerous trips to be here for family events when they knew I couldn't make the trip to their house to celebrate.  They surprised us to celebrate my 60th birthday even though I wasn't able to be very celebratory and drove here and back to Cedar Falls, IA in one day to do it. The necklace they brought for a gift is one that illustrates their love and I will wear it with pride forever.  My nieces and nephews have faithfully sent texts, called, and prayed for me.  Steve's daughter-in-law, Norma, has sent an email every Tuesday morning to encourage me and "coach" me!  And during chemo each week I've received text messages faithfully from my aunt, Mary Lou Sams, and my cousin, Carolyn Coffman. And these are just examples of my family's support.  Friends' support will be part of next week's blog! :-)

I don't have a song to share.  The song that was in my mind when I woke up this morning was an advertisement for a pest control company here in town. :-)  How spiritual is that?  The only connection I could make is that the stuff they use and the stuff they put in my body are probably somewhat similar! :-)  It did make me chuckle, I have to admit.

I will close, though, with a quote from a book I am reading, Choosing to SEE: A Journey of Struggle and Hope, by Mary Beth Chapman.  She quotes Philip Yancey: "A person who lives in faith must proceed on incomplete evidence, trusting in advance what will only make sense in reverse."  That resonated with me.  Some things in life make no sense to us in advance.  And some things don't even make sense in reverse - not in this life.  But, by faith we know that "in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." (Romans 8:28)  That gives us the courage to take that next step of faith.

I am eagerly looking forward to being finished with my GRADUATION TREATMENT next week!  My heart is overwhelmed with praise to the One who has helped me get to this point!  And as always, thanks to you for your interest, your love, and your support!  And thanks for reading this! :-)

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Cycle #6 HAS BEGUN!!!

The day is winding down and my last big chemo is FINISHED!!!  Praise the Lord!!!  My hemoglobin had gone up slightly.  All my other counts were good.  After the Dr. examined me he said, "Let's go do some chemo!"  Usually I feel shaky and a bit "woozy" as the chemo starts, but today that was minimal.
Went to lunch after chemo - took our own picture!

My niece, Shaelyn, is in town for a few days so she and my dad came over once the chemo got started.  Steve ran some errands.  So we had a regular chemo party!  That's probably why I didn't notice the side effects!  I was having too much fun. :-)

I came home and rested for an hour.  I could have slept the rest of the day, but I've learned that I need to move around and drink lots of fluids to keep the chemo moving right on out of my system.  I've been outside watching Steve prune trees while I guzzle Gatorade.

As I visited with my fellow chemo-takers today, once again all I could do was praise God for his mercy to me.  I am not deserving of the goodness He has bestowed on me.  One man has lung cancer in both lungs and was on oxygen as he got his first treatment.  Another man has colo-rectal cancer and prostate cancer.  The man beside me has pancreatic cancer and spots on his liver.  His wife had 2 aneurysms 6 years ago, is an invalid, and he cares for her at home.  He was so weak they had to put him in a wheelchair to go for a chest x-ray.  He said he's worried that he will wear out the people he has helping his wife because he can't help - then they will quit.  I felt so sorry for him.  I was drawn again to Ephesians 1:11-12, where it says He...."works all things according to the counsel of his will, so that we who were the first to hope in Christ might be to the praise of his glory.".  I'm no better than any of these other people.  For some reason, God, in his wisdom, has chosen to bless me beyond what I deserve.  And I want the praise to be of His glory.

Our small group is beginning a new study of the book by James Macdonald, Gripped By the Greatness of God.  The first chapter is on the holiness of God and how Isaiah saw (Isaiah 6:1-7) the Lord "sitting on a throne".  James Macdonald says, "Sitting - not pacing back and forth.  Sitting - not wringing His hands.  Sitting - not struggling or searching.  Not God.  Where was He?  He was seated.  He was settled.  He was secure.  He was certain."  The he said he wrote in the margin of his Bible, "'Why so settled and so seated?'  The answer is:  because He is in control.  He knows it.  Everyone in the throne room knows it.  No one is worried." 

Later Macdonald says, "Wow, that sure puts into perspective any burden I carry on my heart.  How difficult could this problem be for God, no matter how monstrous it might seem to me?  What problem would seem large to the One who is sitting on a throne?  My problems are nothing to Him.  He is in control......The Lord is sitting on His throne."

To top this all off, we sang a song in church Sunday that I don't remember singing before.  I'll share some of the words with you to conclude:

Who has given counsel to the Lord?
Who can question any of His words?
Who can teach the One who knows all things?
Who can fathom all his wondrous deeds?
Behold our God, seated on His throne.
Come let us adore Him.

You can download the song from iTunes.  It's "Behold Our God" from the album "Reign" by Sovereign Grace Music.  It's a beautiful tune with wonderful lyrics!  We have a great God.  All we have to do is let Him "do His thing" and it will all be good!

Thanks for your prayers again for today's treatment - my last big one!!! (in case I hadn't mentioned it before! :-))  I will appreciate your prayers for the next two treatments that my blood will stay "on the fence" or be on the good side of the fence.  I am getting very optimistic that I can squeeze by without a transfusion.  It's hard to believe that if the Lord wills, two weeks from today this will all be over!!  You have walked with me through this very long valley.  Your prayer support and emotional support have made it possible for me to stumble through!  And I'm almost at the finish line!  Thank you!! 

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Ready for Cycle #6!!!.....

....and Cycle # 6 is the last one - in case I hadn't mentioned that several times before!

Today was the first time since February 15, I hadn't seen the Dr. on Tuesday!!  No wonder he had to go on vacation!!  He's been SO careful to monitor every little cell in my blood.  He's just outstanding!  Today my hemoglobin had dropped a bit more and was low enough that the nurse in the chemo lab wouldn't give me chemo until she contacted the Dr.!  Those nurses!!  They really want to give me a transfusion!  It's very comforting!  They are definitely looking out for me!

Each week for three weeks, a different nurse has been my chemo nurse and each one has looked at my lab results, then talked to me to find out just how tired I really am.  The nurse today said, "You don't look like your hemoglobin is that low!"  So I told her the new Lancome make-up is working! :-)  She said that's not all they look at, so I assumed she was looking at my fingernails which are hot pink!  Great blood flow there!

Anyway, the Dr. gave permission for chemo.  I was so glad!  As the nurse "unhooked me", she told me, like each nurse for the past two weeks, to be sure to call if I feel too tired.  She said, "When you get that make-up off and look in the mirror, and if you're huffing and puffing, you call."  I only huff and puff when I climb stairs, walk up a hill, or walk fast!  Yesterday I played two games of pickleball in the sun and did fine.  When my knees start shaking I know it's time to quit!

So, please continue to pray for my bones.  Next week will be my next (and last) "big treatment".  The one drug I will get is the one that's especially hard on the red blood cells.  So, if I can scoot through next week and the week after, surely, I will make it without a transfusion!  I really don't want "the schedule" disrupted!  We're so close to being finished!

One of our friends in Omaha sent Steve a Scripture this morning.  It is Isaiah 58: 10-12.  Verse 11 was especially meaningful to me because it mentioned bones!  In "The Message" verses 10 & 11 read, "If you are generous with the hungry and start giving yourselves to the down-and-out, Your lives will begin to glow in the darkness, your shadowed lives will be bathed in sunlight.  I will always show you where to go.  I'll give you a full life in the emptiest of places - firm muscles, strong bones.  You'll be like a well-watered garden, a gurgling spring that never runs dry."  Until I started these treatments, I hadn't paid attention to how many times bones are mentioned in the Bible. It encourages me to know that bones are important to the Lord, so I know He's watching out for mine!

My sister-in-law's mother went to be with the Lord on Friday.  I saw on Facebook today the video clip of my brother, sister-in-law, and her sister singing at the funeral.  They sang one of my favorite "old" songs....

He giveth more grace when the burdens grow greater,
He sendeth more strength when the labors increase.
To added affliction, He addeth His mercy,
To multiplied trials His multiplied peace.

His love hath no limit, His grace hath no measure,
His power hath no boundary known unto men,
For out of His infinite riches in Jesus, 
He giveth, and giveth, and giveth again.....

Those words resonate with my spirit in a new way because after going through the events of the past few months, I know first-hand that He does give grace again and again.  He has done it for every surgery, every procedure, and on every Tuesday since February 15.....and on all the days in between when I thought I would (or did)  melt down!  It's comforting to know that grace and strength will continue to be with me in the days and years ahead!

Thanks for your prayers that these next three weeks will proceed with no complications - that I won't "huff and puff" and that I'll have lots of red blood cells!  If you're in town on July 3, come over and help us celebrate!  God is good - all the time - even in the "bad times"!