Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Transfusion Time!

Well, just about the time I think I have the "final lap" planned, it gets changed!  But it's not all bad news!  I was able to get my chemo treatment today so I am on schedule!!!!  I am so thankful for that!  But because my hemoglobin had dropped and was getting close to the "magic number",  they thought I should schedule myself for a transfusion.  Also, my blood pressure continues to be marginal even though I drink water like a camel!

So, we went straight from chemo to the outpatient oncology lab at the hospital for them to "type and cross" my blood.  The chemo lab left my port "accessed" so the hospital could use my port to draw blood.  Then when I go in to the hospital tomorrow for the units of blood, all they have to do is hook me up and get going.  I won't have to wait for them to access my port.  (I know, I sound like I know what I'm talking about but it's all new to me.  I just nod my head and give approval as they make logistical suggestions!)

So, when I thought all my new adventures were over, here's a new one.  I've never had a transfusion before.  Apparently it's a slow process - 2 1/2 - 3 hours for each unit and I'm getting two units.  So I will be "in the chair" for 5-6 hours tomorrow.  I'm thinking I may sleep some of it away.  On the other hand, I may start feeling so energetic that they will have to tie me in the chair! :-)  The nurse at the hospital said they get to see the color return to peoples' cheeks and skin - often while they are in the chair.  So, I'm hoping I come out of there looking ten years younger and with the energy of a 20 year old!  Steve is thinking maybe he wants one too so he will be able to keep up with me. :-)

As far as the chemo treatments go - last week's was a hard one.  I didn't bounce back very fast and "dragged my tail" around most of the week.  But like I've said before, my bad days are better than some peoples' best days, so I'm not complaining.  I lost weight because I couldn't seem to get much food down.  However, one of my Truman State University Board colleagues brought me Ted Drewes to our meeting in Kirksville on Saturday.  That stopped the weight loss slide real fast!!  Praise the Lord for emergency measures! :-)

Today's treatment went well.  I still have steroids and anti-nausea medicine in my system so I'm feeling pretty good.  I'm hoping that as they wear off, I won't feel as puny as I did last week.  I'm sure the new blood will help too!

I am so grateful to still be on schedule with my treatments!  The Dr. said today that he will see me next week for my "graduation treatment"!!!  YAY!!!!  I told him that sounded good to me!!  Praise the Lord for His peace, courage, strength, and mercy to me during these last 6 months.  I know I will need more in the future, but I also know that "His grace is sufficient" (II Corinthians 12:9) and I'm counting on that.  I've had first-hand experience with His grace through these difficult days.

As I sat there today and looked around the lab, I noticed again, the many spouses who were there, supporting their loved one.  So, let me say again, that I thank the Lord for giving me Steve, who has proved his commitment to be with me in sickness and in health.  He has slept by my bed in the hospital, walked with me in the hospital hallways, walked with me in the neighborhood, dropped me off at the door when I couldn't walk very far, brought me ice cream every night :-), been at every chemo treatment and Dr. appointment, told me how good I look when I know I don't, calls my"ugly" scars"tattoos" and is impressed with how much we paid for them!, ad infinitum......  Friday will be our 22nd wedding anniversary and we hope to be able to actually celebrate!  He is definitely a gift from God!

I want to also mention the support I've received from my family. My dad has "always been there" asking what he could do to help. He came over during chemo a couple of times, but mostly just knowing he was there, providing moral support and praying were the best things he could and did do. My brother and sister-in-law and family have made numerous trips to be here for family events when they knew I couldn't make the trip to their house to celebrate.  They surprised us to celebrate my 60th birthday even though I wasn't able to be very celebratory and drove here and back to Cedar Falls, IA in one day to do it. The necklace they brought for a gift is one that illustrates their love and I will wear it with pride forever.  My nieces and nephews have faithfully sent texts, called, and prayed for me.  Steve's daughter-in-law, Norma, has sent an email every Tuesday morning to encourage me and "coach" me!  And during chemo each week I've received text messages faithfully from my aunt, Mary Lou Sams, and my cousin, Carolyn Coffman. And these are just examples of my family's support.  Friends' support will be part of next week's blog! :-)

I don't have a song to share.  The song that was in my mind when I woke up this morning was an advertisement for a pest control company here in town. :-)  How spiritual is that?  The only connection I could make is that the stuff they use and the stuff they put in my body are probably somewhat similar! :-)  It did make me chuckle, I have to admit.

I will close, though, with a quote from a book I am reading, Choosing to SEE: A Journey of Struggle and Hope, by Mary Beth Chapman.  She quotes Philip Yancey: "A person who lives in faith must proceed on incomplete evidence, trusting in advance what will only make sense in reverse."  That resonated with me.  Some things in life make no sense to us in advance.  And some things don't even make sense in reverse - not in this life.  But, by faith we know that "in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." (Romans 8:28)  That gives us the courage to take that next step of faith.

I am eagerly looking forward to being finished with my GRADUATION TREATMENT next week!  My heart is overwhelmed with praise to the One who has helped me get to this point!  And as always, thanks to you for your interest, your love, and your support!  And thanks for reading this! :-)


  1. Cheryl, I love that quote from Philip Yancey. I've been reading Exodus and am so grateful for the Holy Spirit within us to give us constant encouragement and strength to continue on. The Israelites were so inconsistent, but they didn't have the Holy Spirit in them. It is the Holy Spirit that can give us the strength to keep going, to "keep the faith", knowing that someday - whether here on earth or in heaven - we will see perfectly as God sees. We keep praying for you.

  2. Loved the quote too! Our modem is dead, so that's why the great silence from me. Rowen read your blog post at work today and I HAD to come to the library to read it. One more week for you!! Long journey, nearly completed! Beth and I are driving to Joplin tomorrow. Rowen and Emily will go on Friday. Many prayers!
    Love, Janet
